Friday, January 14, 2011

Payday check in

Today was payday - yay! So check in on how I did: 

Overall, I'd say not bad. Recovered from the holidays, and was 197 under my proposed budget! (well, technically only 47 under, since my Roth transfers don't start till this week). And this saving was after putting 300 away for savings. So not too bad, but I think I can do better!

This pay period is going to be a challenge. This is the first week with the new revamped budget - no clothes, and reduced grocery and eating out budget. But, that is more to savings, and more to the loans yay! And...drum roll please, I broke the 3000.00 savings barrier! 

I had been wavering around the 3000 mark - sometimes over, sometimes under, but I was afraid that I would never hurdle it. Well hurdle I did! With the savings from this month already put in, and the extra from last week I am about 54 dollars short of the 4,000.00 mark. I want to just go ahead and put the money in now, but I feel like I should do it the "honest" way and not spend as much during this pay period. 

Which may be challenging! A girlfriend is coming down to visit for the long weekend  (which means drinking, eating out and shopping) and then the last weekend of the month is the big pirate parade, and another friend is coming down, meaning the same thing. Plus I wanted to start riding lessons again. 

Yikes, its going to be tough. So frugal plan? Limit drinks (3 a night), eat before going out to eat, and I really need to make a menu and stick to it for the next 2 weeks for work nights. 

I can do it, I can!

On the man front, we are at the 2 week mark. Whoo hoo! It has been pretty easy so far. It's so strange talking to him on the phone - it really does not seem like he is in Afghanistan and I'm here. Well another post on that later - this was to celebrate *almost* hitting the 4k mark!

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