Tuesday, January 4, 2011

And here we go...day zero

I admit, I used to think only weirdos who were into video games or funky sex games (not that there is anything wrong with either of those) blogged. But now that I find myself sitting here in Florida on the first day of the BF's deployment, I thought maybe it was time I started. I recently starting reading blogs, mostly personal finance with a few MilSpouse blogs thrown in, and it seemed like a great place to vent, encourage, whine or share ideas. 

Plus, I like my friends too much to vent to them all the time! 

So here I go. I don't know how to do any fancy HTML, or even to tell if people are reading this, but then again this is for my own therapy rather than readership. So, in that case, guess I should get venting. 

I actually tried to start this blog last night, but when I was signing in from my regular account I came across a post from about 3 years ago when I guess I attempted blogging before (obviously worked out so well...). But it was from the first night that I met BF, and it made me happy. So low and behold:

:From here is where things get interesting. I was supposed to meet up with the metro boys, and they were in Georgetown. Now, one would assume that since I had been there only hours before, it would be simple enough to find my way back. Ohh no, that was a challenge. I ended up wandering around the area for a while, looking for Mr. Smiths. Finding Georgetown was hard enough, but finding the one freaking bar in the middle of about 90000 in there? Practically impossible.

So as Im wandering, I catch sight of the classic DLI shirts "We learn languages so you dont have to" and I cant help but ask if he is from Monterey. He is a short, islander kinda guy, and I was honestly so excited to talk to someone from "home" that I did not notice his friend. How this happened, I have NO clue. He is WAAAY too good looking to miss. Long story short, I ended up hangng out with them for about an hour before I realize that I have completly forgotten about the metro boys.

Little side note on Metro boys; I have semi blown them off all week and HAD to go meet them. I was actualy starting to feel bad about being such a flake. So I say goodbye to the DLI guys and try to find the metro ones. I hope the DLI guy calls."

DLI guy = BF now. 3 years later, and now living together in Florida. Crazy how time flies and this all works out! Especially since I thought long distance relationships were stupid, military guys were lame, and that all I wanted was to have a fling. A fling lasts 3 years, right?

BF's Mom just called to see how his flight went and if he left. They are really great, and I hope I can keep in touch with them more often. Basically, this deployment is 4-5 months long (its the military, can they EVER tell you anything for sure?) and I want to make a disclaimer before I even start really blogging (whatever that is)

"I, K, realize that I have an AWESOME situation. I have a fantastic amazing boyfriend who got an opportunity to go with a really great unit which will be so beneficial to his career. It is only four months, which is really not a long time at all, and I'm lucky to have a job that allows me to keep up to date with his work. We don't have kids and are not really missing any holidays. I understand I am very lucky."

However...IT SUCKS! I want to hang out with him! And after 2 years of long distance, is it so much to ask that he stays in one spot? Apparently so, so I'm plotting and planning on how to make this the easiest four months I can imagine. Here is what I have so far:
  • Stay busy!
    • I have shifted my hours at work so there is less "alone in the house time"
    • I'm signing up to volunteer with several humane society type organizations in town
    • Once again I'm going to the cardio boxing - at least 2x a week I hope (plus being in better shape when he gets back will be a bonus)
  • Try to keep the sappy emails at a minimum. 
    • He knows I miss him, that I love him...I need to try not to be a downer. The job is super stressful with long hours - last thing I want to do is be another burden
    • I think the blog will help, right? I can vent and mope here, and then send a better email when need be
    • Not that we really argue much when he is here (usually about working out or happy hour...really rough, I know) but who knows how crazy the stress of it all will make me?
Okay, so my plans are limited, but its a start! I can modify as I go along. 

Alright so this is getting long enough for a first post. Lets do a check in:

Mood: positive
Sanity: Intact
Workout: Completed

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